Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday...Arlo and I are up and at em. We got to sleep in until 7:45 this morning, Yahoo!
Arlo is sitting on my lap, trying to touch the keyboard as I type, but I have it pushed just far enough forward so he can't reach it. Instead, he puts his tiny little hands on top of mine...just enough to get the effect!
I am busy working on my photo website. Hopefully will get that up and running this next week.
The house is nice and clean! That doesn't happen very often.
Oh, and it is cold outside. I think it is below zero. brrrr. Spring seems so close, yet so far away.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Arlo is 6 1/2 months now. He is able to sit mostly on his own now. Every nite after his bath I set him in his crib to play for awhile. He can stick his toes in his mouth. He yowls...MMaamamamm...buubbuubbbubuu..mamammmam, it is soo cute. He certainly has his own personality. He likes to chew on these tiny teething wash clothes that I bought him. Buddy also likes to chew on them. Buddy has also taken great interest in Arlo's pacifier. Every once in a while we will catch him with it in his mouth.
Today was our first Mommy get together. I invited a handful of Moms and babies to our house to socialize. It was fun to see the little ones interact with each other. We have a range of babies, from 1 month to 1 year. We are planning on meeting once a month, last weekend of the month.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Buddy loves to sit, lay and drool on Arlo's things....Who is really the baby in this house?
I lay the blanket down because the carpet is nasty because of Buddy and then who lays on the blanket? Stinker.